ニューヨーク・タイムズのインスタグラム(nytimes) - 12月2日 09時10分

Almost any Spanish speaker will know the name Rubén Darío. He wasn’t just a writer. He was the father of Spanish Modernism, the one who gave them their language back. And for that they are grateful. Madrid has a Rubén Darío metro station. You’ll find Calle Rubén Darío in Mexico City, Panama City, San Salvador and Tegucigalpa, Honduras. Rubén Darío Middle School sits next to Rubén Darío Park in Miami. But Darío was born in, raised in and died in Nicaragua, and to them he’s 100% theirs. @tim_neville visited #Nicaragua last January not to surf or hike or do yoga on the beach, but to explore the profound love that Nicaraguans hold for a poet on what would have been his 150th birthday. “Once you know him, you see him everywhere,” he writes. “He’s in the airport and in the park. He’s by the hotel entrance and inside the theater. I even caught a glimpse of him on the side of an armored bank truck in Managua.” @historiassencillas took this photo of the Masaya volcano in Nicaragua while on assignment for @nytimestravel. (#RubnDaro’s homeland is a place of volcanoes and lakes.) Visit the link in our profile to read more about the inescapable poet of Nicaragua.


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