Ainsley Rodriguezのインスタグラム(ainsley) - 10月26日 11時13分

Ever sit down and wonder why the past keeps on repeating itself? Most people - including myself - resist the things we need the most. Let’s face it, pain sucks. We tend to gravitate toward comfort. We settle.
Pain isn’t something that we generally invite into our lives. But, what if, every time pain came knocking on our door, we invited it in and welcomed it? Pain = growth, ALWAYS
I’ve learned in my life (and still need to constantly remind myself lol) that by continuing to avoid things we also avoid growth and simply create the blockages in our lives that are the very things we wish to move past. Instead of asking “why me?” we must realize that these blockages, hurdles, and problems are simply catalysts and MUST exist to get us to push through to the next level.
Look at it as a gift. If you’re reading this tonight and this message has reached you, push through. Embrace the pain. Walk through the fire. ??❤️


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