TED Talksのインスタグラム(ted) - 10月25日 03時52分

The term “dinosaur” has developed a negative connotation, often describing something that is out-of-date or unable to adapt. In reality, these creatures were marvels of speed, size, power and versatility, and they can teach us a great deal about our world, says paleontologist Kenneth Lacovara. They reigned unchallenged for 165 million years — what do they reveal about our past, and what can they tell us about our environmental future? “To be a dinosaur is to belong to a staggeringly successful group of animals whose reign across time may never be matched by humans or any of our mammalian kin,” Kenneth says. To learn more about why we should study and respect dinos, visit go.ted.com/dinosaursmatter.
Illustration by @mike_lemanski

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