スミソニアン国立動物園のインスタグラム(smithsonianzoo) - 9月27日 01時37分

We are sad to share that Ziggy, our 12-year-old alpaca, died Sept. 23. Around 5 p.m. Saturday, Kids’ Farm keepers noticed Ziggy exhibiting some odd behaviors. Moments later, he ran into the fence of his enclosure, hitting his head. Animal care staff immediately tended to Ziggy and observed that he was experiencing tremors and was not able to stand up or hold his head steady. Veterinarians provided supportive treatment to alleviate his symptoms; unfortunately, Ziggy’s symptoms persisted despite treatment. Based on his poor prognosis, staff elected to humanely euthanize Ziggy. A longtime resident of Kids’ Farm, Ziggy was a wonderful ambassador for his species, providing Zoo visitors young and old an opportunity to learn about the skills, dedication and knowledge it takes to care for domestic livestock.


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