Saghar Setarehのインスタグラム(labnoon) - 8月9日 22時12分

Lunch.? Today I had to get out to work right at lunch time, and no sir! I could not master the force even to lazily toss some cherry tomatoes, chickpeas and Pugliese frise into a salad. So my lunch, —like many other of my meals in this boiling hot days— was a big, fat ice cream. Shameless. It was a vegan, sugar-free pistachio (used stevia instead! Amazing!) and yoghurt from the mountains of trentino. And it was melting in the heat as I snapped it quickly.
I was going through editing and my photos archive and I realized that apart from commissions, I haven't taken many food photos lately (the griziolion photos I took in Puglia are much more on the travel side). And with weather like this, I cannot even think about cooking (even if it's a salad), setting a scene and shoot. Not to mention when I am at home, I keep all the windows, shutters and shades completely shot. And on top of that, the big sun shade on the balcony that is always down these days, is a bright green, that casts a green shadow upon all rooms as if they belonged to the movie Mask (remember it?). But I am working! (A strange announcement to be made in August in Italy). And a new blog post with tons of photos from Puglia is coming soon too.
So while stay tuned, and keep fresh and hydrated!
#LabNoon #LabNoonFood #FlavorsAndEncounters


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