Krissyのインスタグラム(cottagefarm) - 7月6日 07時28分

back to basics after the holiday weekend - starting with a really good quality bread like this one, leavened using only a naturally created and fermented starter.
this work on the city cottage kitchen is finally winding down and the finish line is insight with just a few details (the fun pretty non at all dusty sort) left to complete. We have breathed life back into it and now I'm turning my mind to giving it soul - a pantry stocked with good basics, taking my glass pantry jars out of storage, a good wash and new labels to match the contents inside - organizing my few but precious tools: knives pots pans to be conducive to workflow and lots of kitchen experimentation in the coming months and with the garden at the farm producing more each week there will certainly be lots of opportunity to eat and cook and gather -
it's good sometimes to get back to basics. To remember examine and move forward again with a renewed interest and perspective. grounding and simplistic


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