リー・シェンロンのインスタグラム(leehsienloong) - 5月1日 21時49分

Happy May Day to all!

This year, we celebrate May Day in a cautious but better mood. We grew 2% last year, more than expected. Our productivity also rose by about 1%. This improvement in productivity is encouraging, as it means that our economy can continue to grow even if our workforce does not expand much.

To ensure Singapore continues to prosper, we are pursuing three things: jobs, jobs and jobs. First, helping businesses to create new jobs by bringing in new investments, and upgrading existing companies. Second, helping displaced workers find alternative jobs as businesses restructure and technology disrupts our workforce. Lastly, helping workers grow in their jobs by upgrading their skills. We must take this seriously; workers in other countries are also hungry to learn and improve their knowledge and skills.
If we strengthen our tripartite system, and remain united, I am confident no challenge will be insurmountable, and the future will be bright for our children! – LHL

#NTUCMayDayRally2017 (MCI Photo by Terence Tan)


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