リー・シェンロンのインスタグラム(leehsienloong) - 4月30日 11時05分

Had a busy day at #ASEAN2017 yesterday. ASEAN is celebrating its golden jubilee, a good time to reflect on what it has brought to Southeast Asia. ASEAN has helped to foster a culture of dialogue and cooperation. It has also united us, and a united ASEAN means our collective voice is louder and stronger.
During the retreat I spoke on two issues that affect ASEAN: the South China Sea and the tensions on the Korean Peninsula. I expressed our concern on DPRK’s nuclear tests and successive ballistic missile launches, the latest just yesterday. The DPRK’s actions are clear violations of UN Security Council Resolutions (UNSCR) and present a grave threat to regional peace, security and stability. ASEAN needs to be strong and united in calling for the DPRK to cease all provocative actions and return to the path of dialogue.

Even as we celebrate ASEAN’s achievements, we have to keep ASEAN strong and relevant. My thanks to President Rody Duterte for his warm hospitality and chairmanship of the summit. Looking forward to returning to the Philippines in November for the next summit.
Am back in Singapore now, preparing for the May Day Rally tomorrow! – LHL


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