ニューヨーク・タイムズのインスタグラム(nytimes) - 4月9日 01時17分

“Humor, color or a unique moment.” Those are a few of the things the LA-based photographer @jokemichaels sought out while shooting street photos in Miami. “This view of Miami was a combination of all 3,” he said. While on assignment for @nytimesfashion over 2 weekends last month, @jokemichaels found that magical mix on the streets in and around #Miami — specifically in South Beach, Little Havana, Little Haiti and Wynwood. When it comes to #streetphotography, @jokemichaels often waits for a precise moment to snap a photo, stalling in front of a wall or scene for the right person to walk by. “I think essentially when people think of street photography, it’s almost this chaotic, shoot-from-the-hip, instantaneous moment,” he said. “I feel like my photographs are taking a step back and almost reviewing the scene before taking the photograph.” Visit the link in our profile, or swipe left to see more of @jokemichaels’s photos from the vivid world of Miami #streetstyle.


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