ニューヨーク・タイムズのインスタグラム(nytimes) - 9月28日 05時01分

Matt Celona inspected the soil in a carrot field at @massaudubon’s Drumlin Farm in Lincoln, Massachusetts. A severe drought has severely stunted crops across the region, from the eastern half of that state to southeastern New Hampshire and the southern part of Maine. In August, farmers in Massachusetts reported $13.6 million in lost crops since April; since then, that number has most likely grown. At the Drumlin Farm, volunteers took to the fields over the summer with buckets to nourish some plants. But last week, Matt, the farm’s crops manager, worried that the carrots wouldn’t size up. “It would be sort of shocking to go into winter without carrots,” he said. Still, some crops have done fairly well, and the farm’s vibrant stand belies the challenge, showing off spinach, watermelon and winter squash. Visit the link in our profile to see more of @iantom’s photos of New England’s drought: dry wells, dead fish and ailing farms


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