Nicole Mejiaのインスタグラム(nicole_mejia) - 8月18日 04時36分

You have to be able to look at yourself.
Your whole self.
The parts that not everyone sees or knows about- you have to be able to accept them. I know there's things you're not proud of, I mean, you're human right?
But when we accept that they're part of us and our past, we're able to leave them there and start working towards a more constructive present and future.

You have be ok with who you are and what you're doing, What you've done and where you're going.
There's things in all of or pasts that hurt. Maybe there's things that we wish wouldn't have happened. But can you honestly say that you would be the person that you are today without having gone through them?
There was a time when I let bad things define me. I was a victim of life and I allowed failures and negativity have power over me. It's a daily, conscious struggle to keep my face towards the light and remind myself that I am to learn from my bad experiences, not remain in them.✨


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