ニューヨーク・タイムズのインスタグラム(nytimes) - 7月7日 06時19分

Kallithea has seen better days. The coastal neighborhood in Athens played host to sporting events during both the 2004 Summer @オリンピック and the 1896 Games. Then, in the wake of the country’s debt crisis and ensuing economic downturn, businesses in Kallithea closed and property prices tumbled. Lately, though, there is cautious hope that a redevelopment project might help boost the local community. The @snfcc, an arts complex that opened late last month, houses the @greek_national_opera and the National Library. Designed by the Italian architect @renzopianoofficial, the complex includes 2 separate buildings that share a roof: a 10,000-square-meter, or 108,000-square-foot, canopy covered in solar panels. Angelos Tzortzinis took this photo inside the main National Opera concert hall, which seats 1,400. The first #opera performances won’t come until next year.


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