ニューヨーク・タイムズのインスタグラム(nytimes) - 7月6日 04時22分

Vandy Singleton keeps her wedding dress on display in her home in Sevier, Utah, where the photographer Cayce Clifford took this photo. Last year Vandy married Lenny Singleton, a high school classmate with whom she had lost touch. Lenny, 49, has been behind bars since he walked into 13 stores over 8 days and either distracted clerks or pretended to have a concealed gun before stealing from cash registers. Then 28 and seeking to fuel a drug habit, Lenny was handed 2 life sentences. Plus another 100 years. With no possibility for parole. As the U.S. prison population has increased sharply over the past 30 years, so too has the number of those sentenced to life. Lenny, who is called “Pops” by other inmates, is among nearly 160,000 prisoners currently serving life sentences. In the mid-1990s, when it was common for judges in Virginia and elsewhere to impose long prison terms for crack-related crimes, his prison term attracted little attention. But today, even hard-line prosecutors who were active during that period say his sentence seemed unduly harsh for crimes in which no one was hurt.


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