ニューヨーク・タイムズのインスタグラム(nytimes) - 6月10日 05時57分

“I don’t want to become a burden.” With her athletic frame, Kristy Allan, 63, doesn’t look like someone who is ready to die. But Kristy has been under hospice care since the start of the year, having already undergone 4 rounds of chemotherapy since learning she had Stage 4 colon #cancer in 2009. Beginning today, California will become the 4th state in the U.S. to put in effect a law allowing #assistedsuicide for the terminally ill, a pratice that has come to be known as aid in dying. Kristy, who lives in Placerville, California, has already talked to her doctors about her desire to get the medication that will allow her to die when she chooses, and she plans to make her request formal this week. She doesn’t know with certainty when, or even if, she will take it. But she knows what would make her ready to do so. “It’s a huge relief knowing it is legal,” she said. @maxwhittaker photographed Kristy while on #nytassignment.


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