Nicole Mejiaのインスタグラム(nicole_mejia) - 4月28日 12時39分

Last weekend, while we were paddle boarding (it was @chabelysm first time!), a shark swam right past @mdawn55 and my paddle board. And when I say "right past us", I mean within 5-10 feet of my board!? I've always been deathly afraid of sharks and even have a hard time looking at images or videos of them-but at that moment I wasn't scared. There was actually something about confronting a fear that was incredibly empowering and exhilarating.
That swim-by will go down in my book as one of my most memorable moments.
Last week's lesson: Do new things and face some fears.
New experiences force us to grow, and maybe that growth will give you just the strength you need, to finally conquer some of your greatest fears.?

Photo by @orlymd ?


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