キノ・マクレガ―のインスタグラム(kinoyoga) - 2月10日 06時57分

#MonthofMeditation Day 9. The meditative mind is calm, equanimous and observational. Developing a regular meditation practice gives you the calm steady mind to surrender in places that scare you, to trust through moments of difficulty and to allow yourself to be taken further than you believe is possible. It's been way too long since I've trained with Eugene. There are some stretches that no matter how much I try I simply cannot get there on my own. This is one. But with a calm, meditative mind I can allow myself to be taken there, to surrender and trust. The best teachers are the ones who believe in you more than you believe in yourself. ?
#practiceyogachangeyourworld #onebreathatatime ?
Photo by @beachyogagirl Leggings by @omstarsapparel ?
Watch the replay on "KinoYoga" Periscope for today's meditation. Watch the replay of our session with Eugene today too! ?


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