ニューヨーク・タイムズのインスタグラム(nytimes) - 1月23日 07時58分

After New York City Mayor @billdeblasio announced a plan this week to reduce the size of the Victorian-era carriage-horse industry and relocate the horses to @centralparknyc, virtually the only parties involved and not heard from were the horses themselves. As ever, they maintained a dignified silence amid the hubbub. But it was their lives that interested the photographer @bunnymcguire, who spent a week with them last spring and, in the process, noticed little ways in which the horses had adapted to the city. Around pigeons they proved stoic. “The pigeons are always trying to steal their food,” she said. “The horses will kick over the bucket so the pigeons will have something to eat and won’t bother them while they’re eating from the bucket.” To see more photos of New York’s carriage horses, visit the link in our profile.

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