ニューヨーク・タイムズのインスタグラム(nytimes) - 1月23日 04時58分

Last July, hundreds of rats began to appear alongside the West Side Highway in Manhattan: first a few, then a few dozen, then so many that they were a blur of white in the undergrowth, a scurrying time-lapse. When the rats began to draw wider attention, New York’s rat-rescue community sprang to action. Rescuers showed up that night with boxes and buckets and cat carriers, grabbing all they could catch. “At the beginning there’s so many it was like picking up daisies,” said Lisa Anselmo, who helped find homes for more than 50 rats. Follow @bengiville to see more photos from the story of 500 rats on the West Side Highway, and one who ventured east, to Broadway. #urbananimal #????


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