ニューヨーク・タイムズのインスタグラム(nytimes) - 6月13日 08時32分

Steve Bandura, the coach of the Anderson Monarchs, with his team on the 1947 bus they are using for their three-week long civil rights tour. In late June and early July, @monee_011 and her 13 teammates — the rest of them boys, most of them black, all roughly her age — have a schedule of exhibition games across the country that will take them south, into history: the church in Birmingham, the bridge in Selma. They’ll play ball, then visit Little Rock Central High School, a battleground in the fight to integrate schools. They’ll swing for the fences, then bow their heads at the house in Jackson, Miss., where Medgar Evers lived. Photo by @fredrconrad for @ニューヨーク・タイムズ.


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