リー・シェンロンのインスタグラム(leehsienloong) - 3月29日 11時05分

Since my father passed away, Singaporeans have expressed their grief overwhelmingly. Huge crowds have come to the community tribute centres, and queued up for hours, day and night, to pay their respects at Parliament House. Overseas and online, our friends and Singaporean clubs have also sent their condolences and organised memorial events to honour my father. It has been a deeply moving experience.

This afternoon we will hold the State Funeral Service at the University Cultural Centre at NUS. You can watch it on TV or webcast onhttp://www.youtube.com/pmosingapore, or listen to it on radio. After the speeches, the civil defence sirens will sound across the island, and we will be observing a minute of silence. Then the sirens will sound again, and we will be reciting the National Pledge, and singing Majulah Singapura.

I hope that wherever you are, you will join in for the silence, the pledge and the anthem. It will be a special moment for all us to share and remember. – LHL
(Photo by Bob Lee)


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