コンラッド・アンカーのインスタグラム(conrad_anker) - 2月11日 17時33分

Last image from the Nepal journey. The billboard for the Unified Communist Part Nepal (Maoist) looms over an intersection in urban Kathmandu. Atop the peaks of Nepal the red hammer & sickle is a symbol of the party. Alas the end billboard is of Engels, Marx, Lenin, Stalin and Mao. As I type this in the ultramodern Seoul airport and glance at the map to Pyongpang to the north I have to wonder if the ruling party in Nepal is on the right track. Still no constitution resulting in a hamstrung government that doesn't seem to be doing much for the common citizen. Meanwhile South Korea is prosperous and the standard of living doesn't typically include famine. #somethingtothinkabout (sorry if this is a drift from the standard recreational theme of instie)


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