Ashley Jamesのインスタグラム(ashleylouisejames) - 7月14日 04時17分

Motherhood can be boring. 

It shouldn't be controversial to say, but for some reason it is. 

*You* might not find it boring at all, but that doesn't mean everyone else should feel the same. 

If you don't find motherhood boring I'm actually very envious.

I love my children to death so I do all the boring stuff because of that.

Because here's the thing: You can love your children, be grateful to have them, AND find large parts of parenting repetitive AND miss your old life.

It doesn't make you a bad mum. It makes you a human.

It's ok that lots of us struggle with not using the intellectual part of our brain. Lots of mums have exciting or demanding careers and then overnight we are expected to put it all on hold and to be stimulated changing nappies and discussing whose baby slept. Or you go hours with no adult conversation.

I feel like if a man had to put his career on hold to look after a baby day in day out, we'd be empathetic if he admitted to struggling. If he found it quite monotonous. I mean we applaud men for *baby sitting* their own children for goodness sake. Or for changing nappies.

Why are our expectations of women different? Why do we hold to such high standards? Expect them to do a thankless and unpaid job of raising the next generation, to be there 24/7, without ever complaining or admitting to struggling...  just because they chose to be mums?

When women say they want to be childfree, society doesn't seem to accept that as an answer either.

It's like society still expects us to only be fulfilled once we are mums because our life's purpose is to reproduce. But it also won't properly support us through Postnatal support or subsidised childcare.

Honestly, I felt like a monster for feeling bored. It kept me up at night. I remember confiding in my friend who's a mum and she was like OF COURSE IT'S BORING. I felt like a weight had been lifted.

And I feel like being honest rather than rose tinting motherhood could prepare people better and normalise it so that people know to help more.

So here's to finding parts of motherhood boring AND loving your children. I know I'm a better mum when I'm working and I get a break. Just like we let Dads! 🙏


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