メーガン・デュアメルのインスタグラム(meaganduhamel) - 2月18日 10時54分

#workoutwednesday here we go!

Grab yourself a deck of cards and some friends (online of course, because, well, covid) and that’s all you need! This is my moderate difficult deck of cards workout. The @icepalace skaters got my extremely hard version the other day!! The order of exercises listed below is the order of exercises in my video series!

♠️ Back lunge ronde de jambe (per side)
♥️ Down-dog squat back and press yourself sharply to plank
♣️ Twist tie crunches (per side)
♦️ Wide squat forward hinge (per side)
🃏 1 minute rest!!

When you draw a card, you do that suits exercise however many times the number on the card. 7 of ♦️? 7 wide squats into forward hinges per side. 👸 of ♠️? 12 back lunge ronde de jambe per side!

Don’t rush and pay attention to detail. Focus on your breathing and give a purpose to every part of your body as you move.

Sidenote: 1. Ceiling is fixed! Thanks Mark! 2. I’m not a professional. I don’t have a fancy camera set up or special equipment. This is real life, in my basement, barebones basics. I love simplicity.

#athomeworkout #noequipmentworkout #blackandwhite #generalworkout #workoutwithadeckofcards


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



