アシュリー・ハートのインスタグラム(ashleyhart) - 12月20日 07時10分

Having my beautiful mother here the last couple of months has been such a gift. Her presence has had me deeply reflecting on love and all that stands in my way experiencing love. I had a realization just the other day about the feeling of being 'too much.’ It's something I see in mum and sometimes I get frustrated by it, mostly because it's also something I often feel about myself. Am I 'too much?’It’s something that I've told myself to embrace and not hold back. ‘Shine your light and don't dim it' is something we hear a lot and practice as we get to know and finally unapologetically 'be' ourselves. But really, as we get to know ourselves on the deepest levels, we must question everything about what makes up who we are and why. Why we do what we do and why we are who we are. One of my most recent posts was around lack and not being enough for everyone at this time of year, so this theme about too little and too much is super alive in my awareness right now. I realize most of these feelings come from my own expectations of myself, not others, when I feel like I'm not showing up or giving enough. And then there is this part of my personality that I feel is 'too much' at the same time. I feel like I am too loud, talkative, over helpful etc. Isn’t this interesting? I'm seeing that part of this 'too much' comes from a deep seeded feeling of 'I'm not enough'. Isn’t it amazing when we can catch these things?! It is all of my own stuff of course, I'm the one that thinks I'm not enough and that I am too much. It really has nothing to do with anyone else. I am beginning to understand and learn about all of these different parts of myself on the journey to becoming more of who I truly am so that I can act from my deepest Truth, not from insecurity or conditioning. Now, my mom and I, both being Leo's, confident leaders, talkative (to everyone), creative and let's not forget, feminine, are naturally a lot. We have big presences and that is part of who we are. However in these deep reflections I realize that the overcompensating in over talking, and over giving, or the biggest one of feeling bad that I'm not enough.. continue in comments


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