Paige Reillyのインスタグラム(paigereilly) - 7月11日 02時26分

I saw a tweet that felt like it was reading my mind and I felt the need to share 😌⁣

“You have to build your empire off of you and your authenticity, not off of what’s working for someone else. You grow quicker when you are authentic to you. Quit thinking about what people what to hear or what you think people will like. The right people will gravitate towards your energy and what you’re doing. Cultivate a space of authenticity.” @melanatedmommaa

With social media, you can get sucked into comparing yourself to everyone. Just because something works for someone, if it’s not authentic to you... it’s not going to work. Being true to you is the best & only way to live. *and typically my response to people asking how to grow on social media is - be YOU, share your life (highs and lows). No one else is you, and that’s your power*⁣

For a while I got caught up in feeling the need to fit a mold, especially being in the “fitness space” - I felt that if I posted anything except fitness, people wouldn’t accept it or care to see it. Pushing everything else I enjoy aside isn’t authentic to me tho 🖤 I know that if I did things a certain way, I may “grow quicker” but that’s not me, that’s not my real life. If it’s not authentic to you, that’s not worth it! Being true to yourself will bring in the right people and I want the right people, not the most people 🙏🏻


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




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