メーガン・デュアメルのインスタグラム(meaganduhamel) - 6月27日 10時48分

One of the questions young skaters always ask me is why I decided to skate pairs. Although my path to become a pair skater had many twists and turns, ultimately, I made the decision because I wanted to win and be the best, and I was not getting where I wanted to go in singles. Interesting story though .... In 2006, I was competing in senior ladies and senior pairs. After some small success at this event, the Four Continents Championships, where I skated one of my better performances and finished in 5th place, I went home and broke up with my partner. I decided I wanted to focus on singles as I felt like I was finally going to reach the level of skating that I had always dreamed about. Well, it was short lived. I competed only once the following season, as I was dealing with many injuries and major sickness (I got shingles one month before Nationals 😳) and this would be one of my final singles performances as one year later, I realized maybe pairs was the avenue for me. Sometimes, we need to change our mind and change our path in order to find where we truly belong. What decisions have you made in your life that you have ultimately gone back and undone? We can’t change our destination overnight but we can change our direction. May we all be brave enough to listen to our heart! #flashbackfriday #singlesdays #fourcontinents #followyourgut


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