メーガン・デュアメルのインスタグラム(meaganduhamel) - 6月23日 22時47分

Happy #olympicday !! When I was 7 years old, I began telling anyone that would listen that one day I would go to the Olympics. It was something I felt so strongly about and like anything great in life, it didn’t come easily. I failed many times on my path to the Olympic Games; twice I found myself one or two steps away from the Olympic Team, an alternate position, watching from a distance as my friends and teammates lived their dreams. My quest for the Olympics shaped me into the person I am today, and although I ended up at the Olympic Games twice, winning gold, silver and bronze medals, when I think of the Olympics, I don’t think of the medals I won. I think of the hard work and dedication that an Olympic dream taught me. I think of overcoming failures with optimism of the future and I think of pushing myself out of my comfort zone and past the limits that I thought I was capable of. I think about the journey I shared with my partner(s) and my coaches and the incredible life lessons that my Olympic dream gave me. So here’s to everyone who has Olympic sized dreams. May you have the courage to pursue them no matter the outcome 💫


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