メーガン・デュアメルのインスタグラム(meaganduhamel) - 5月31日 10時16分

In the past few months I have been very fortunate to work with many athletes and coaches all over the World through online training. I have loved teaching in this capacity and I enjoy getting creative with different exercises, sequences and techniques. Recently, I have experienced a bit of an overload of requests and I feel badly that I am not able to accommodate everyone, so I thought of starting an online Saturday fitness session for skaters, coaches and families for the month of June. This way anyone who is requesting a session with me, can join this block for the month and I can accommodate more people and share my passion with more of you! Thank you to everyone I have worked with in the past 2 months, you have all inspired me with your hard work and commitment to excellence. If you are interested in my Saturday classes for the month of June, please send me a DM (direct message) 💪😊 #zoomtraining #onlinetraining #stayinshape #figureskatertraining #workhardplayhard


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