Camille Leblanc-Bazinetのインスタグラム(camillelbaz) - 6月24日 23時40分

Athlete Development Program
Link in bio... :) “

Become the best athlete you can be
This program is everything I’ve done that gave me the most out of my training join me to get coaching and help you achieve your goals ——————————— —————— “


every 3 min x 10
3 position clean + jerk
focus on good positioning

1x 3-position clean (Work up to a max for the day)

Stamina + Strength building:

emom 12
even: max push-press @ 60% 1 RM
odd: 15-20 GHD

the goal is to get around 10PP/min so adjust the weight as needed
4 sets
10 hard pull on the rower
3 high box jumps
rest as needed between

this is to build explosivity so it’s a high and as hard as you can


4 rounds
2 rope climbs or pegboard
50" heavy sled push

this is a sprint


2 sets
60 wall ball
50 cals row
40 toes to bar 
30 thrusters (65/95)
20 pull-ups
10 muscle-ups
rest 5 minutes between sets
Accessory +Core work:

Three sets of:
2 Minutes of Banded March while Holding Sandbag/Ball
Rest as needed
Chinese Rows x 8 reps @ 21X1
Rest as needed

4 sets
15 side forward 1 arm lat pull down
15 side backward 1 arm lat pull down
15 both arms seated pull down
rest 90 sec between

at night
3x 2 min 
hand in a bucket of rice grip strength work 📸 @dozavisuals


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