リー・シェンロンのインスタグラム(leehsienloong) - 5月29日 20時13分

I congratulated Vietnamese PM Nguyễn Xuân Phúc on Vietnam’s decisive handling of the COVID-19 pandemic when we spoke this afternoon. I thanked him too, for Vietnam’s generous donations of face masks and test kits to Singapore.

We agreed that amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, we must continue to strengthen our cooperation, and keep markets open and supply chains connected. Happy that we are deepening our collaboration in agri-trade for the supply of rice and other food products. We will also explore reopening borders for essential travel safely and gradually, when the time is right.

Singapore will also continue to support Vietnam’s @asean Chairmanship. I look forward to deepening our excellent ties. – LHL (With PM Phúc at the 34th ASEAN Summit in Bangkok, June 2019. / MCI Photo by Fyrol)


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