Jessica Arevaloのインスタグラム(jessicaarevalo_) - 5月23日 08時35分

Guess what most women do! Most people think that someone like me that is always working out and into fitness that I would never get it. But guess what!? When I gain weight I get cellulite!🤷🏻‍♀️

Cellulite is caused by a buildup of fat underneath the skin. Some women are more predisposed to it than others. The amount of cellulite you have and how noticeable it is can be based on your genes, body fat percentage, and age. The thickness of your skin also affects the appearance of cellulite.
For most women we hold our fat in our butts so that’s why it’s pretty common to have it as a woman. I AM not ashamed of it! I use to think it was disgusting but honestly it’s just ME and my body so why should I be ashamed of that!? OUR BODIES ARE BEAUTIFUL JUST THE WAY THEY ARE TODAY! -
I use to remember when I gained a few pounds I would say to myself I’ll feel better about my body when I DROP A FEW POUNDS. But F*CK THAT LET’S embrace our bodies here and NOW! Life isn’t promised tomorrow and we can be gone in a second! LET’S BE HAPPY IN OUR BODIES AT EVERY STAGE, EVERYDAY AND EVERY MOMENT!🙏🏼
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I celebrated the launch today with a BIG PIZZA!🤣🙈 I wanted to say THANK YOU! For making the booty band & e-book launch such a succcess! I truly appreciate y’all and can’t wait for everyone to get their booty bands and e-book!🥰


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