Danielle Robertsonのインスタグラム(dannibelle) - 5月5日 06時00分

This is my own personal transformation. These photos are 6 weeks a part, I’m currently on week 6 of my Booty HIIT program, with 2 more weeks to go and I’m absolutely loving the results. I feel stronger, fitter and more confident and I’ve achieved this from the comfort of my own home and with one glorious program (I’m trying not to sound biased but… I’m pretty damn proud of this program). Now I’m not saying there is anything wrong with my physique in the “before” photo, I just personally feel more confident now and am proud of what I have achieved.
Fitness is about so much more than appearance. Don’t be afraid to be strong, to build your own confidence and to not rely on others opinions and approval. You’re the only person you need to be good enough for. I would say that anyone who tries to discourage you from achieving your goals or places limits on your ambition can kiss your ass but the reality is, they don’t deserve to be anywhere near those glorious booty gains.
Speaking of gains (excellent segue) my Booty HIIT program is NOW AVAILABLE, head to dannibelle.com or click the link in my bio! 🎉🎉


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