トレーシー・キスのインスタグラム(tracykissdotcom) - 2月11日 19時41分

My darlings I’m having a super hot Valentines sale right now on www.onlyfans.com/tracykiss come and check it out!❤️So this week I posted a YouTube video (www.youtube.com/thetracykiss) talking about my thoughts on Valentines Day and how we all want to be loved and appreciated by our partners. We are easily misled into thinking that other people’s relationships that we see on social media are perfect and they’re always so in love and impossibly happy when it’s SO far from the truth - in reality every relationship takes constant effort, hard work and commitment. We are all human, nobody is perfect and although with time may also come security in a relationship, it also means that the honeymoon period wears off and temptation and excitement beckons elsewhere - everywhere!
To keep a relationship alive in 2020 we all need to be open, honest, communicate freely and always express our needs. I’m at the stage in my life where I know what I bring to the table and how I treat others is how I expect to be treated in return - never be too proud to walk away from what isn’t right and doesn’t contribute to your wellbeing, so many toxic relationships can be avoided and years of being with the wrong person saved if you open your eyes and recognise what you need and receive. People become desperate to be loved, holding onto dead end relationships and sacrificing their identity and dreams just to please their partner who wouldn’t go an inch out of their way in return. If you’re single this valentines then be RELIEVED you’re not in a dead end loveless relationship and have faith that the right person is out there for you to show you everything you’ve been missing. If you’re dating RESPECT the soul you share your time with, keep your identity whilst allowing them to have theirs also. Relationships are NOT ownership. Karma will always serve you what you deserve. Know your worth and don’t ever settle for the easy option which leaves you feeling hollow inside, I promise you the real deal is more than worth it. When looks fade we’re left with what’s inside, that’s what counts!
#valentinesday #valentines #galentinesday #valentine #valentinesday2020 #happy #inspiration #lace #lingerie


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




