トレーシー・キスのインスタグラム(tracykissdotcom) - 2月10日 19時30分

I think it’s bizarre that as school children we are asked to decide what we “want to be” when we “grow up” and then follow that path at great time and expense to achieve it. With no life experience, no real understanding of the world nor ability to weigh up such a life changing decision - if children are too young to vote, drive or drink alcohol then what makes them capable of deciding on a future career? No wonder so many people feel disheartened when they grow up and think that they failed at what they were supposed to be - newsflash you’re no longer a teenager! Adult you doesn’t have to be an astronaut to be successful. With age comes wisdom and experience and I am certainly far more mature and level headed as an adult. Whilst I gained a strong education in my adolescence I have implemented greater growth and change to my life as an adult because I understand my strengths and weaknesses and recognise what I’m most passionate about. Education isn’t just for children, making big choices isn’t just for young students and taking a leap of faith isn’t just for the fearless. At ANY age and ANY stage you can progress and grow in life, start something new, invest in further education, begin a business, make a big decision and transform your life entirely from what it is today. It is NEVER too late, with time comes experience, if anything now you’re fully prepared and able to change so go get it! Raise your goals and chase those dreams 🙌🏻 #itsnevertoolate #itsnevertoolatetostart


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




