thephotosocietyのインスタグラム(thephotosociety) - 8月10日 05時31分

Photo by @bethjwald// In honor of International Cat Day, this photo of a young female jaguar celebrates the incomparable beauty and strength of the world’s large wild cats, many of which are in endangered in the wild. The jaguar, one of the largest of wild cats, is a symbol of power, courage and wildness across the Americas, from Mexico to central South America, and in many cultures the jaguar has magical powers. The word “jaguar” comes from the indigenous Guarani word “yaguarete.” In Corrientes Province of northern Argentina, where many people still speak Guarani and identify strongly with the jaguar, the yaguarete is poised to return after being hunted to extinction over 75 years ago. This young female is part of a ground-breaking reintroduction program in the vast marshlands of the Esteros del Iberá, a project of the Conservation Land Trust (CLT), the Argentine team of Tompkins Conservation; orphaned and rescued in neighboring Brazil, she has been too long in captivity to be released into the wild, but her cubs will have the chance to once again roam free in Iberá and help re-establish a species that is critically endangered in Argentina. @cltargentina @tompkins_conservation #wildcats #esterosdelibera #rewilding #argentinawild #yaguarete @iclp_photographers


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