thephotosocietyのインスタグラム(thephotosociety) - 4月6日 06時46分

Photo by @bethjwald // A young marsh deer looks up from his evening grazing, as the sunset turns clouds pink and orange over the Esteros del Iberá, a vast wetlands in Corrientes Province, Argentina. The marsh deer (Blastocerus dichotomus) is South America’s largest deer and used to have a huge range across the continent, but its numbers have been drastically reduced and it now occurs only as isolated populations in a few river basins of central South America. The resurgence of the population in Iberá has been a huge success story for this beautiful deer – it has been protected within a Provincial Park and Reserve within the Iberá basin for several decades, but its protected range has been vastly expanded with recent creation of Iberá National Park. The creation of the national park and the recuperation and restoration of the fauna of Iberá is an initiative of the Conservation Land Trust (CLT),the Argentine team of Tompkins Conservation, along with the Province of Corrientes, the Argentine government and the National Park service. I am in Argentina documenting CLT and other conservation projects, check out more images on my feed @bethjwald and on CLT’s: @cltargentina
#esterosdelibera #rewilding #wetlands #argentinawild #nationalparks @parqueiberacorrientes @tompkins_conservation


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