ニューヨーク・タイムズのインスタグラム(nytimes) - 2月12日 05時30分

The #choreographer Vicky Shick and her nerves are no strangers. But she’s dealing with more than usual with her latest work, “Next to the Sink.” She’s down one dancer. And it’s been nearly impossible to get the others in the room at the same time. Then there’s her natural state, which fluctuates between steely resilience (just watch her #dance) and crippling indecision (just listen to her talk about her dance). “I do feel kind of like a turtle or a tortoise,” she said. “But I just have to try to trust myself.” Over time, Vicky’s works have become more exacting as they reveal who she is: a 67-year-old choreographer who was born in Hungary and had dreams of becoming a ballerina, but instead carved out a career in postmodern dance. With precision and strangeness, her dances celebrate the very thing she finds herself racked with: vulnerability. @vincenttullo shot this photo of Vicky. Visit the link in our profile to read more about Vicky and her latest work.


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