ニューヨーク・タイムズのインスタグラム(nytimes) - 2月12日 01時50分

Kamala Harris was the first person of color elected as San Francisco’s district attorney. In a dozen years as the top law enforcement official of San Francisco and then #California, she was as much politician as prosecutor. More practical than ideological, she was defined most by resisting easy definition, #nytimes reporter Kate Zernike writes. @KamalaHarris describes her thinking — about criminal justice, but also about the other issues animating her presidential candidacy, like health care and economic inequality — as scientific. “It’s a hypothesis; this is how we can do things better. You have to inform it with: Where’s the empirical evidence? Where is the data? Where is the detail?” Harris is running for president as a “progressive prosecutor.” She says she sees no contradiction in the term, arguing that a tough prosecutor can also be a force for reforming the criminal-justice system. But already, mere weeks into her candidacy, she is facing a chorus of skepticism, especially from the left. @Christiehemmklok shot this photo of Harris. Tap the link in our profile to read more about the tricky crosscurrents that Harris has had to weather.


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