スティーブ・クックのインスタグラム(stevecook) - 1月16日 12時24分

Full Body Burner! (Swipe & save)
I was introduced to Zuu training two years ago and its a great way to work muscle endurance and range of motion. Best part is all you need is your self and a bit of space.
This workout consisted of 7 total movements. I work for 30 seconds then rest for 30 and then repeating the same exercise. After doing two rounds move onto the next exercise.
I like to to a total of 30 mins of workout between all the stations.

1. Hindu push-up
2. Kick Sits
3. Spidermans (10yards)
4. Jump Squats
5. Cobras
6. Frog Squats
7. Bear Crawls



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