リー・シェンロンのインスタグラム(leehsienloong) - 11月30日 21時04分

A fruitful day meeting with our Argentine counterparts yesterday. We may be on opposite sides of the globe, but our bilateral ties are strong and warm.

Started the day with breakfast hosted by President @mauriciomacri. We’ve made good progress on the Bilateral Investment Treaty, and hope to tie it up next year. We will also start working on an Avoidance of Double Taxation Agreement.

Later, I met with Argentine Members of Congress. We covered many topics, including education and how we cleaned up the Singapore river. Good that Heng Swee Keat and @vivianbalakrishnan were there to share their experiences, as these came under their previous portfolios!
Also met Mayor of Buenos Aires City @horaciorodriguezlarreta. We spoke about #SmartNation cities, mobility, and public transport. Mr Larreta told me he was last in Singapore more than 20 years ago, so I invited him to visit us again to see how things have changed, and to learn more about our policies. – LHL (PMO Video by Alex Qiu)


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