デイヴ・アスプリーのインスタグラム(dave.asprey) - 11月10日 07時01分

In my new book Game Changers, an overwhelming number of my podcast guests believe that creating good habits and discipline is one of the most important things you can do to perform better as a human being. In fact, this answer came in third out of anything in the world to improve performance, even ahead of education. These innovators know that your habits, the things you do every day without even thinking about them, to a great extent determine who you are and what you are capable of. -

But, creating new POSITIVE habit loops is not as simple as saying, "Okay, I'm going to be positive and so will my actions." To transform your actions into automatic habits that you can use without conscious effort, your mind must create new neural networks. It follows that anything you can do to maximize your ability to create these pathways will help you actually wire in the habits that will benefit your performance. -

This is what you will learn in Game Changers. Pre-Order now by clicking the link in the bio.


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