TIME Magazineのインスタグラム(time) - 10月5日 03時51分

Family members from Central America walk along a dirt road after illegally crossing into the U.S. from Mexico in Penitas, Texas, on Oct. 3. One day earlier, a judge blocked President Trump's administration from ending protections that allowed immigrants from four countries to live and work legally in the United States, the Associated Press reports, saying the move would cause "irreparable harm and great hardship." U.S. District Judge Edward Chen in San Francisco granted a request for a preliminary injunction against the administration's decision to discontinue temporary protected status for people from Sudan, Nicaragua, Haiti and El Salvador. The judge said there is evidence that "President Trump harbors an animus against non-white, non-European aliens which influenced his ... decision to end the TPS designation." The ruling cited Trump's 2015 campaign speech in which he characterized Mexican immigrants as drug dealers and rapists, his call to bar Muslims from entering the United States and his vulgar reference to African countries during a meeting about immigration at the White House in January, the AP adds. It's the latest case in which judges have cited Trump's own comments to rule against his immigration policies. Photograph by @adreeslatif@reuters


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