サディク・ハドゾビックのインスタグラム(sadikhadzovic) - 8月3日 21時53分

Let me start by saying that mind to muscle connection is always going to be key for achieving optimum results. This video shows a few movements I incorporate regularly to not only gain size but solidify my strength as well. Achieving your ideal physique is no doubt challenging, we all have muscle groups that lag behind others. Take your arms for example, if your biceps and triceps are weak they can make your chest and shoulder size look unsymmetrical. Placing a movement till failure between two - three exercises will undoubtedly exhaust the muscle. Not only are you increasing the possibility for more reps for growth but you increase the response for muscle recruitment for other movements.
??Pay close attention to the weight you’re choosing, don’t sacrifice your form for ego. Focus on the contraction and chase the pump! You can bring the intensity,  but never lose site of your overall goal. Try these movements for your next arm day and I believe you will see and feel a difference. #Flexfriday
?DM ME or E?
1️⃣Tricep Extension: 12-15 Reps x 3-4 Sets
2️⃣Skull Crushers: 12-15 Reps x 3-4 Sets
3️⃣Alternating Bicep Curls: 12-15 Reps x 3-4 Sets
4️⃣Ez Curls: 12-15 Reps x 3-4 Sets


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Michelle Lewinのインスタグラム
Michelle Lewinさんがフォロー
