Sarah Ramadanのインスタグラム(fightforgrowth) - 7月21日 07時23分

true story: today, I woke up and legit went to a mirror and say HEYYYY???? I’m PROUD OF YOU!!!

And I legit locked EYES with myself?It was quite creepy but surreal at the same time lol! I just haven’t felt this proud in a long time?

I guess it’s safe to say I am my own worst critic. Not many people give me trouble because I give myself plenty to begin with??‍♀️. I have a hard time trying new things because I’m scared of failure and I’m worried about letting myself down. And as crazy as it may seem, I fear the lack of growth more than anything.

So, pretty contradictory right? To be both immersed by the idea of growing through my potential, and also not wanting to fail.

But if you’ve tried anything worthwhile in life, you would know that both are mutually inclusive.

To try is a risk, and that risk gives you growth. Sometimes the outcome blooms quickly before you, and sometimes it needs a little more watering.
But regardless of time or triumph, growth is yours - so long as you try and try and try. ?? few words of wisdom from a girl who yelled at herself this morn ?

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