Zanna Van Dijkのインスタグラム(zannavandijk) - 6月28日 16時15分

Ab Blast ? This is one of my favourite core targeting circuits to add onto the end of my workouts ?? You can do it without the bosu ball but I find it more effective with one: ➡️ 10 single leg jackknives - one side ➡️ 10 single leg jackknives - other side ➡️ 10 slow eccentric sit ups ➡️ Complete 3 rounds back to back for a 5 minute workout ? I can’t wait to share my workout guide super soon, it’s packed with 12 weeks of programming and workouts ?? Stay tuned on my stories for updates on #thesculptguide ? Wearing head to toe @adidas UK as always! ❤️ #girlgains #zvdworkout #coreworkout #abworkout #absworkout #coreexercises


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