thephotosocietyのインスタグラム(thephotosociety) - 3月7日 22時30分

Photo by @jimrichardsonng // For 5,000 years the Callanish Stones have stood watch over the Isle of Lewis. Dawn was creeping into the eastern sky as my night of photography was coming to an end. Lighting the stones with a flashlight gave me subtle lighting but once the sun came up I’d be finished. (During this 30 second exposure I ran through the frame, hiding behind stones as I lit each of them in turn.) Scotland has been in my mind and my moods this last week. Partly because I’ve been sharing images of the Outer Hebrides, recalling the delights of traveling those remote islands, hoping to entice others to discover these outposts. (Find more Scotland pictures on my feed.) Perhaps, too, I am feeling the wanderlust that comes from knowing I’ll be back in Scotland this summer, relishing the feeling of returning to a land both well known and yet undiscovered. Our journeys unlock more than a place, but also our evolving selves becoming part of it. I’ve been going back to the Outer Hebrides for twenty years. #scotland #traveling_scotland #travel #hiddenscotland @ナショナルジオグラフィック @National Geographic Travel @natgeocreative #lovetheouterhebrides


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