チェルシー・ルーズのインスタグラム(chelseanicholerude) - 2月22日 02時01分

Day 7 post-op: everyday seems to get a little better. Honestly it can’t get much worse than my day 1 post op because I puked so much that day. But today I find myself feeling frustrated with a side of tears. I know that the pain and stiffness I feel isn’t going to last, however it feels daunting to only allow my arm passive motion and making it live in a sling for 5 more weeks. I know I’m fortunate to have a fixed shoulder now, and that soon it will be functioning and strong again, but that doesn’t mean that I’m not a bit antsy, inpatient, and teary eyed this morning. #slinglife #livemorehappy @briskventure photo


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