ナイジェラ・ローソンのインスタグラム(nigellalawson) - 2月14日 16時27分

Just back from Down Under, and have to report that the Finger Lime is the way of the future! I’d eaten them before, some years ago, and they are native to Australia (citrus australasica) but on this visit I noticed them everywhere, and even saw them growing. They look like little brown sausage-fruits on the outside, but inside they are filled with beads that burst like lime caviar on the tongue. An ice cold oyster with finger lime is a sensation. Also excellent in a gin and tonic. I am hoping to be able to find them back home. I ordered a plant the minute I got off the plane, but I don’t rate my chances of growing them here!
Thanks to @petrinatinslay for letting me use her, as always, exquisite photograph; and the beautiful plate also in the pic is by @marieheleneclauzon


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