レイチェル・ブレイセンのインスタグラム(yoga_girl) - 1月11日 07時31分

A papaya a day keeps the doctor away! (jk it gives you double ear infections an eye infection and a fever of 103)? .
All jokes aside... Baby is doing a little bit better. Still shit. But it’s not shittier. Silver lining! And we do eat papaya every day. With a squeeze of lime, my favorite. Did you know you can plant the seeds just as they are and grow tiny little papaya trees? Or you can roast the seeds and eat them, they’re spicy. And good for you!
Today @dennisfromsalad took this photo of me having mine by the pool looking Instagram AF??☀️ (when in reality I held a crying baby for ten hours and “went to bed” at 8am feeling like absolute crap). Having a pool makes everything look glamorous! Luckily I can’t not speak the truth in the caption. Right now? I’m lying on the floor with my head propped up against the crib. Intensely uncomfortable. Feverish baby sleeping on my chest. These days any sleep at all is gold. I’m not moving an inch. Day 3 of fever - should be better tonight no? Let’s hope. x #teamnosleep #motherhood #papaya


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