レイチェル・ブレイセンのインスタグラム(yoga_girl) - 1月10日 03時36分

Taking down the tree today... It’s a PJ all day kind of day❤️ Eye infection blossomed into full on mega cold and shark baby spent eight hours straight crying last night before passing out in my arms at 4 in the morning. I slept for 45 minutes total. Her fever peaked at 39.5 (103 F), her nose is running and she is coughing too. She hasn’t had as much as a rash since she was born so this is pretty rough for us all? Seeing her in pain and not being able to anything about it is so awful. Eye is much better today and even though she barely slept she’s in super good spirits - picking today of all days to walk 10+ steps on her own! My little moon baby. I’m exhausted. From worry, mostly. Fittingly enough I wrote a blog last night about my obsessive fear that something awful is going to happen to her. Typing out my fears was helpful but everything I feel for her is just so intense. It’s painful, the love. I worry all the time. When she finally fell asleep last night I couldn’t sleep - I just laid there watching her chest rise and fall with every breath. Ah, motherhood. The hardest and most beautiful thing I’ve ever done.
Link to blog in bio/rachelbrathen.com❤️ #motherhood #baby #fear #lights #sparkle #christmas #9months #love


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